Our 2 NICU babies who now are big and grown. Nathan who was 3 lb and something and fighting for his life. Abbey who was 13 lbs and having a hard time breathing. What would our lives be without them. They are so darling and fill our lives with love. I was just thinking, they aren't that far apart in age either, I think 6 months? anyways, a great time today. Thanks Aunt Judy.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Giving back to those we appreciate.
Our 2 NICU babies who now are big and grown. Nathan who was 3 lb and something and fighting for his life. Abbey who was 13 lbs and having a hard time breathing. What would our lives be without them. They are so darling and fill our lives with love. I was just thinking, they aren't that far apart in age either, I think 6 months? anyways, a great time today. Thanks Aunt Judy.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thriller, thriller night!!! Yeah baby!
Long Awaited Vacation Time!!! Jacksonville, Florida
Jeff had meetings in Jacksonville, and so I had lots of fun shopping, reading by the pool, and I found a gym and went to some classes which was fun. It was just so nice to step back away from everything and relax for a week.
We went to St. Augustine to the old jail. Found all the good eating places like PF Changs, Cheesecake Factory, Ruth Chris's.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Girls Day Out and Happy Birthday Jen!
Went bowling after we ate. Had a great time! Happy Birthday Jen.
This picture is hilarious, because we asked the bus boy to take this picture, and he TOTALLY left Marisa right out of the picture. Not even a shoulder or anaything is in the picture. We laughed!!!
Golf is the name of the game!
Bishop Thompson
This next month, our Stake Presidency will be released, President Brad Foster. It is sad for us, we have loved his leadership and learned much at his feet. What a great leader.
We are thankful for the opportunity to serve in this capactiy.
Tennis Trip
LUAU and Family Reunion!
If these aren't the cutest grandkids in the world!>?!?!?!?!? Love them all so much! Love my family. And it is so nice to have them all here together again.
Justin's Graduation from Medical Residency Toledo Ohio!
We went back to Justin's graduation. So proud of Him and Aimee Jo! It has been a long hard road, and they are finally going to be able to settle down now. Justin got a job here in Idaho at EIRMC and we are really enjoying having them here close.
It is funny to have father and son as doctors in the same city though. Jeff will send Justin patients all the time to the ER and they talk on the phone to consult! It's pretty awesome.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Busting our buttons!
It was so awesome. So much fun to see all my daughters and daughter in law up there singing. The choir was awesome, and sang a song from President Hinckley's funeral "Homeward Bound". It was amazing.
Marisa sang a solo from the Magic Flute Opera, and about blew us all away. She has an amazing voice and stood up there so confident and boomed it out. We got it all on video folks!!! My dad is such a fan of that opera and with tears in his eyes came up to her after and said sincerely, that that was the most beautiful he had ever heard it sung. I had to agree. It was amazing.
Then all the girls, Tiff, Jen, Marisa, and Ranay sang "Sincerely" in a quartet. Jeff had to work that night, and so Tiffany called the center and found the boss and asked if there was any way that they could find someone to cover so that we could come and kidnap him so that they could take him up on stage and sing to him. They actually ended up closing the center so that he could go. They twirled his hair and kissed him, and loved on him and he was in heaven.
There is a part in the song that says something "do you know why I love you", and Jeff put his fingers up and rubbed them (like give me the money). It brought the house down, it was pretty funny.
A wonderful night, made me so very proud, and brought back so many memories that I miss so much. What a great contribution Camille has made in so many lives.
there is nothing like the gift of music! Thanks.
Memorial Day weekend
Jeff really got into the war movies, and it was fun to have our family at the house to barbecue hamburgers and play games together. The cousins love being together, playing with Uncle Bryan and Dane Jen and Tiff. Lots of fun.
A Memorable Weekend!
Memorial Day weekend Jeff had to work Fri/Sat/ and Mon. So Sunday night we had a barbecue at the house. Jen and Dane came up from Poky, and took Jeff on a bike ride! there actually was sun. Hasn't been since, but that day, you can actually see blue sky!

Jeff and I found this golf game and it was really alot of fun to play. But as usual, Jeff came out the victor!
Look at that form! Didn't help! Ha!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Shingles!!! Ouch!
I have had shingles! Not fun! They are so painful. I hope no one reading this ever gets them. You think you are feeling better and then BAM!!! pain!
I have to say that I will be very sympathetic to anyone who gets them in the future. I remember Derick got them when he was about 12 or 14 and had no idea how painful they probably were for him.
Feels good to feel better.
I have to say that I will be very sympathetic to anyone who gets them in the future. I remember Derick got them when he was about 12 or 14 and had no idea how painful they probably were for him.
Feels good to feel better.
Being Grandma!
Went to Nathan's soccer game the other night. Ranay was saying, the week before they cancelled because of snow, and this week it was 83 degrees. Go figure. That's Idaho weather for ya.
Nathan was so cute in his little uniform. Brought back lots of memories, fond ones. I truly miss those days, I enjoyed them so much. They are too fast gone. But it is so much fun to watch my little grandkids, Hannah playing basketball and singing, and now little Nathan with soccer. He scored a goal, and was so excited! His dad told him if he scored a goal they would go get ice cream!. As soon as he scored the goal, it was off to the sidelines to hug his mom! Ha! How cute is that.
Can't wait to watch Jess, Natalie and Ty when they get here too.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I just got called to serve in the Stake Relief society Presidency at BYU-I. I will be the enrichment counselor. I am very excited to be able to serve up there another 3-4 years. It's hard however, because we don't know anyone in our new neighborhood or ward except our next door neighbors.
But I LOVE working with the kids up there. There are so many different and wonderful kids from all over the world with such different circumstances. Some who are the only members in their famlies, who have never experienced FHE, or family prayer, etc. It is so inspiring to hear their testimonies and all that they have gone through to have the gospel in their lives. I learn much more from them than they do from me I'm sure.
It will also be good to be able to continue to peek in on mom and dad, and Jeff's parents each Sunday. That has been a big blessing for all of us. They are really aging and lonely.
But I LOVE working with the kids up there. There are so many different and wonderful kids from all over the world with such different circumstances. Some who are the only members in their famlies, who have never experienced FHE, or family prayer, etc. It is so inspiring to hear their testimonies and all that they have gone through to have the gospel in their lives. I learn much more from them than they do from me I'm sure.
It will also be good to be able to continue to peek in on mom and dad, and Jeff's parents each Sunday. That has been a big blessing for all of us. They are really aging and lonely.
They do it BIG in Texas!
This is the Dallas temple, which was alot like the Boise temple. Very beautiful. It was 82 degrees that day, after leaving snow at home, it was so nice!!!
Thompson Biggest Loser Challenge
We ended by playing basketball. The little kids had little basketball standards and played, and we had little races for them to. Did ladders, played a little "pig", lightning, and just plain basketball. It was really fun. It's fun to have such an athletic family who enjoys doing all these things!!! Love them to death!!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008

They had Sheri Dew, Kenneth Cope, Jenny Oaks Baker, Sharon Larsen, Emily Watts who was hilarious, and the author of the Christmas Jars and Wednesday Letters. It was so amazing and wished that all of my family could have been there with me. I learned alot.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Questions, questions, questions
I liked Ranay's tag, and so I wanted to answer and tag Marisa and Jen and Aimee Jo.
4 jobs I have had:
potato pit
city recreation teacher
4 places I have lived:
Salt Lake
5 places I have been:
4 People I would like to get to know better:
My new neighbors
(that's six)
4 reasons why I love being me:
I have an awesome husband and family
I have had wonderful opportunities in my life
I feel very blessed
I enjoy dancing and being able to do that
4 classes I wish were offered to me that I could take right now:
ballroom dance
Tag your it!
4 jobs I have had:
potato pit
city recreation teacher
4 places I have lived:
Salt Lake
5 places I have been:
4 People I would like to get to know better:
My new neighbors
(that's six)
4 reasons why I love being me:
I have an awesome husband and family
I have had wonderful opportunities in my life
I feel very blessed
I enjoy dancing and being able to do that
4 classes I wish were offered to me that I could take right now:
ballroom dance
Tag your it!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Okay, I've been tagged, but now I don't have anyone to tag because everyone who looks at my blog has tagged me hee!
10 years ago? Just running kids, Justin and Marisa married, Derick getting ready to go on his mission. I miss those days running kids. I loved watching them in all their activities and being a part of that,. Goes by to quickly,.
Things on my to do list today? Teach yoga at 6am, get Valentines out, rest because I'm sick, work, meeting with my yoga staff, etc.
Suddenly a billionaire? Wow wouldn't that be nice. Sometimes I really wonder. It's nice to have money to do what you want, but other times I think it would be a detriment. I would want to take my whole family on a wonderful vacation somewhere tropical. Pay off all my kids' debts and buy them all a beautiful home. Take care of our parents and grandchildren.
3 bad habits, Tiff and Jen will be the first to point out that I stare at people. I call it observing, but they say I stare. I chew my fingernails (dang it). I don't make my bed everyday, and I leave my shoes everywhere in the house that I take them off.
5 jobs that I have had, worked on a potato combine, lifeguard, clerk at JC Penny, dance teacher, worked in the lab in research with my dad one summer.;
5 things that you might not know about me, I cannot and I mean cannot resist frosted sugar cookies (they are my absolute favorite) I love going to San Diego and Tuscon, I don't like mean people, not being organized drives me crazy, I really like doing handicrafts like crocheting, knitting, needlepoint, counted cross stitch it's very relaxing to me.
Tah Dah!
10 years ago? Just running kids, Justin and Marisa married, Derick getting ready to go on his mission. I miss those days running kids. I loved watching them in all their activities and being a part of that,. Goes by to quickly,.
Things on my to do list today? Teach yoga at 6am, get Valentines out, rest because I'm sick, work, meeting with my yoga staff, etc.
Suddenly a billionaire? Wow wouldn't that be nice. Sometimes I really wonder. It's nice to have money to do what you want, but other times I think it would be a detriment. I would want to take my whole family on a wonderful vacation somewhere tropical. Pay off all my kids' debts and buy them all a beautiful home. Take care of our parents and grandchildren.
3 bad habits, Tiff and Jen will be the first to point out that I stare at people. I call it observing, but they say I stare. I chew my fingernails (dang it). I don't make my bed everyday, and I leave my shoes everywhere in the house that I take them off.
5 jobs that I have had, worked on a potato combine, lifeguard, clerk at JC Penny, dance teacher, worked in the lab in research with my dad one summer.;
5 things that you might not know about me, I cannot and I mean cannot resist frosted sugar cookies (they are my absolute favorite) I love going to San Diego and Tuscon, I don't like mean people, not being organized drives me crazy, I really like doing handicrafts like crocheting, knitting, needlepoint, counted cross stitch it's very relaxing to me.
Tah Dah!
Friday, February 8, 2008
34 years!!
Today we have been married 34 years! It's hard to believe. I was thinking today about our wedding day, and until now ALL that has happened during our married years. It's amazing. I can't think of anyone I would rather go through life with. He is my best friend and knows me better than anyone, and I love him alot.
I went to take him some "steak" (his favorite) for supper (he had to work), and I walked in and on the table were these beautiful flowers. 34 of them, one for each year we have been married. He has always been a romantic, always showering me with gifts and flowers and love. He is a wonderful husband. I hope we can have another 34 together, like President Hinckley and his wife I think what a great example of love they are. I told Jeff the other day, I couldn't function without him here! I love him.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Snow Snow Snow Bah humbug!
We have had more snow. We just barely got our roof cleared off (Bryan came and did it for us! Thanks Bryan) and it needs it again.
Today I shoveled snow off our deck that came up higher than my waist. The wind is blowing it all over the place today.

This winter reminds me of the good ol days growing up. The winters were always like this growing up, we use to have alot of snow days from school There was one winter when we couldn't even get in my front door because of the drifts.
Jeff doing damage control so we don't get any more water in our basement. Notice he has snowblowed the snow away from the house that is on our lawn.
Today I shoveled snow off our deck that came up higher than my waist. The wind is blowing it all over the place today.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Go Giants!!!
No pictures but GO GIANTS!!!!! We had lots of fun for Super Bowl Sunday with everyone here to cheer on the Giants (except Dane and Gerrard). Lots of food and fun. Like I always say, it doesn't get any better than "Football, Family and food" That's pretty great.
Jeff and I enjoyed a trip to Salt Lake a couple weekends ago to celebrate our anniversay of 34 years. We went to a BYU-Utah basketball game which was alot of fun, and even though we have been doing the biggest loser challenge, we caved and went to Sunday Brunch at Little America which is always great. I sure do love Jeff and the good husband he has been to me all of these years.
Jeff and I enjoyed a trip to Salt Lake a couple weekends ago to celebrate our anniversay of 34 years. We went to a BYU-Utah basketball game which was alot of fun, and even though we have been doing the biggest loser challenge, we caved and went to Sunday Brunch at Little America which is always great. I sure do love Jeff and the good husband he has been to me all of these years.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Hannah's baptism Day!
The bishop asked Marisa and Mike to make comments and it was very touching.
Hannah with her little friends that came.
Grandpa and grandma with Hannah.
There with mom and dad.
Lucky to have Great Granbpa and grandma come. It's hard for mom to still get around, but she's a trooper.
Fun day.
Rexburg Temple Open House
As we sat listening to the video presentation at the beginning, they showed pictures of the Spori building all alone on campus and how it has grown, and how Wilford Woodruff prophecied that this area of sagebrush would be fertile and productive and that this city would someday have a temple. I sat and cried. It really touched me, because I grew up here, and we always had to travel to Idaho Falls to the temple and to be here when history is being made was very touching to me. To be serving at BYU-I at this historic time is also such a blessing.
Tiffy's birthday
We also decided to do the Thompson Biggest Loser Challenge and weighed in this night! We took some pictures for before, but was sworn to secrecy not to show them. But we had some crazy pictures and alot of fun. Should be fun!!
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