Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I just got called to serve in the Stake Relief society Presidency at BYU-I. I will be the enrichment counselor. I am very excited to be able to serve up there another 3-4 years. It's hard however, because we don't know anyone in our new neighborhood or ward except our next door neighbors.

But I LOVE working with the kids up there. There are so many different and wonderful kids from all over the world with such different circumstances. Some who are the only members in their famlies, who have never experienced FHE, or family prayer, etc. It is so inspiring to hear their testimonies and all that they have gone through to have the gospel in their lives. I learn much more from them than they do from me I'm sure.

It will also be good to be able to continue to peek in on mom and dad, and Jeff's parents each Sunday. That has been a big blessing for all of us. They are really aging and lonely.


Jen Simmons said...

You are perfect for the job, they picked the right person!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I know you will be awesome, you always are. Great job!