Sunday, December 16, 2007


Here is everyone going through the adds for Black Friday's shopping! What crazy kids!! I cannot get up that early! But they all had fun. We ended up not going to the cabin, our usual weekend in the snow. We were on our way and found out Clarke (Jeff's brother) was on his way down to Idaho Falls by ambulance with chest pain. We spent most of the weekend in the hospital with him. He is ok now. They found he had a faulty valve and are going to treat it medically.

I have been so delinquent in doing my blog that I'm embarrassed!! It's been busy. We had a great Thanksgiving with everyone. Wishing Justin and his family could be here. But GOOD NEWS!!! They were just offered a job here in Idaho Falls at EIRMC in the ER. We are so excited that we can hardly stand it. They will be moving here in July. It's been a LONG time since they have been close and it will be so wonderful to have them here. Can't wait

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