Jeff and his mom. She is sporting a cane these days. She was having fun poking everyone in the rear as they went through the line. Clarke and Krisit were in charge of the reunion this year and we had so much fun. Of course we ate, and then we did the amazing race and that about did me in. I haven't run that hard in years!!! Whew!! But we had fun. While the adults were off doing the amazing race, the kids were making hats and getting their faces painted. (below) Amy (pete's wife) is so talented painting, she did a great job on the kids. Then it was off to the splash park. and then the kids wanted their faces painted again. What a great sport Amy was.

Tiffany and Jen, aren't they so beautiful?

Derick and Nathan. Derick was batchin it this weekend. Ranay was in Canada with her mom and sister to a family wedding. (My pictures with Justin and Marisa were too dark being in the shade. . . .besides the fact that I have to run to get a picture of Marisa anytime!!!)

These are our 2 oldest granddaughters. Aren't they beautiful???

Fun Family Times!!!